This city used to make things. All those factories shuttered up along the BQE, all those nice lofts in Dumbo, used to be full of minimum wage pulling Italians and Irish. I can't really explain it but there's a real romance to a New York based production operation, especially when nowadays our chief export is financial woes from Wall st. That's why I'm always happy to see a city based food production company go up, and recently Brooklyn has been full of them. Brooklyn Brewery has always been churning out quality goods from its Williamsburg factory, but joining it soon will be companies like Kings County Jerkey Co. Kings County Distillery, and possibly even Brooklyn Maple Syrup. I'll talk about Jerkey Co for now. KC Jerkey Co is to Jerky what Pickle Guys is to Pickles, giving what is traditionally a hiker's food a craft-gourmet makeover. The beef is smoked on a terrace in Bed Stuy (great for the neighbors), and infused with three flavors, classic, orange giger, and Bulgogi (Korean style). The meat itself is sourced from a farm in Kingston New York, however it's worth noting that the company has only appeared in craft fairs and contests so far, so the actual meat distributor could change when the company opens officially in April. Hopefully KC Jerky Co can do for Jerky what micro breweries have done for craft beers, and it's all from Brooklyn.
Ol' Dirty - thanks for the love. Send us your mailing address: we'd like to send you some jerky. Give us a shout: cwoehrle@gmail.com