I normally stay away from the complex politics of the food industry, since I prefer to focus on the enjoyment brought on by dining, not where or how my food is made. When I was eleven I was at a a now extinct Boston restaurant called Maison Robert. My grandfather leaned over to me and asked me if I knew how Fois Gras was made, which of course I didn't. He went on to describe the process, including the binding of the goose, the force feeding, the hanging of the goose to limit it's movement, and finally the slaughter and liver extraction. He then scooped up a nice big chunk of the stuff into a toasted bread slice and jammed it in my mouth. As I sat there thinking of a room full of hanging gooses with tubes down their throats, another thought entered my head, this was fucking delicious. I'm pretty callous to food issues. I read Fast Food Nation, saw supersize me, and continue to eat Micky D's. I like organic ingredients not because they're better for the environment but because they taste better. But there is one issue which i just can't, despite my incredible powers of ignoring the often brutal and inhumane process of food preparation, overlook, and that is the state of fish in the world. Whenever I eat sushi or cooked tuna I can't help but feel like I'm contributing to the extinction of a species. The EU is entertaining a ban on Bluefin fishing, which I wholeheartedly support. Currently in the Mediterranean Bluefin are at about 15% their historic level, which means that there is less then a fifth of the normal tuna average left. About 80% of Bluefin Tuna ends up in Japan (watch the south park episode), and a huge Japanese fish market remains the chief obstacle to any sort of limitations on Tuna fishing. So I'm going to say something I've never though I would say. Please stop eating Tuna. I'm not asking this because of some sort of hippie appreciation for God's beautiful creations, but simply because I want to eat the slimy bastards for the rest of my life, and I can't do that if those greedy Japanese roll them all up into sushi.
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