Monday, October 24, 2011

Romera serves "leek infused water" and pond run off in latest example of scientific cooking done wrong.

I've been skeptical of scientific cooking for a while now but in light of the recent proclamation of El Bulli as the best restaurant in the world (I'm not a millionaire so I couldn't get a table) it seems to have gained some popular credence and of course imitators. One such place seems to be Romera, owned by Spanish Doctor/Chef Miguel Snachez Romera, which serves what they call Aqua Gourmond with each of their 11 courses. This is basically flavored water, but not the 50 cent endorsed vitaminy kind. No these are "the latest innovation in high cuisine, ingredient-driven waters that compliment the flavors and aromatic properties of each dish," according to the website. For example one course is complimented by a potato leek infused water. NY times food columnist Frank Bruni simply calls them "pond runoff." A prime example of too much fuss and not enough substance, do you really think your diners are going to be so impressed by the high concept of herb water (every course comes with an index card explaining the philosophy of the dish) that they're going to forget it tastes like shit?

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